miercuri, 23 aprilie 2014

/REVIEW/RECENZIE - Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1) by Veronica Rossi



Aria has lived her whole life in the protected dome of Reverie. Her entire world confined to its spaces, she's never thought to dream of what lies beyond its doors. So when her mother goes missing, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland long enough to find her are slim.

Then Aria meets an outsider named Perry. He's searching for someone too. He's also wild - a savage - but might be her best hope at staying alive.

If they can survive, they are each other's best hope for finding answers.


E mult timp de cand vreau sa citesc aceasta carte/trilogie, pentru ca desi coperta si descrierea nu sunt foarte originale, mai ales chestia cu cei doi care vin din lumi diferite si se intalnesc si etc. Dar trebuie sa va spun ca aceasta carte a fost foarte buna, plina de suspans, mi s-a parut ca totul a fost foarte natural, nimic cliseic, si personajele au fost extrem de bine construite. Din punctul meu de vedere aceasta trilogie e una din cele mai originale SI bine scrise din cate am citit pana acum.

Nu vreau sa ofer spoilere, asa ca sar peste ce se intampla in acest volum. Insa suspansul creste treptat, mereu exista momente de tensiune, exterioara sau chiar si-ntre personaje, de fiecare data ceva urmeaza sa se intample sau pur si simplu simti ca se apropie ceva ce o sa zguduie lucrurile un pic. Si as mai vrea sa spun ca au fost atatea momente pe care nu le asteptam - pentru un prim volum a fost atat de bun si incarcat de actiune, incat ma intreb in celelalte doua ce mai urmeaza sa se intample. Rar, sau asa vad eu, autorii scriu volume complexe si pline, din toate punctele de vedere, iar acesta e unul.

Lumea creata mi s-a parut originala, si chiar daca n-am reusit sa o vedem complet acum, sunt sigura ca autoarea ne mai pregateste multe surprize si vom vizita si mai multe locuri. Perry si Aria mi-au placut mult si chiar daca pe tot parcursul cartii, sau aproape, imi ziceam ca Aria ma enerveaza, pentru ca se vaita mult si-l considera pe Peregrine un salbatic (pentru ca nu traise o viata ca ea), chiar daca era mai destept ca ea si stia o multime de lucruri, si a mai si salvat-o de destule ori, spre final am inceput sa o gasesc mai placuta. 

Atat Perry cat si Aria se schimba treptat de-a lungul cartii si a fost frumos sa vezi cum se lasa modelati unul de celalalt, dar si de peripetiile prin care trec. Dar ca personaj preferat il aleg pe Peregrine, asa Savage cum zice Aria, pentru ca e realist, stie sa se descurce, si mai ales harul sau e extraordinar. Cine nu si-ar dori. 

Chiar nu mai stiu ce sa va spun fara sa incep cu spoilere, asa ca inchei aici. Va recomand aceasta carte/trilogie, daca va plac distopiile, dar si cartile pline de suspans si aventura, are si iubire, dar nu in doza aceea gretoasa si cliseica, deci o pot citi mai multi, si pentru ca intr-o oarecare parte e originala. Iar scriitura, desi simplista si fara prea multe metafore si ornamente reuseste sa te convinga. Iar eu raman sa astept ca sa-mi iau celelalte volume.



It's a long time since I wanted to read this book/trilogy, because even the cover and the synopsis are not very original, especialy the things with the girl and the guy from different worlds and they met etc. But I need to say that this book was so good, full of suspense, I felt that everything was natural, nothing cliche, and the characters were very good sketched. In my opinion this trilogy is one of the most original AND well written from what I've read.

I don't want to spoil so won't say about what/s going on in this book. But the suspense is growing with each chapter, everytime is tensions, from outside or between the characters, and everythime something is going to happen or you feel that something is goind to come and shake the world a little bit. And I want to say that there were moments that I wasn't expecting - for a first book in a trilogy it was so good and full of action, and now I'm asking myself what is going to happen in the next two books. Rarely, or I think this, the authors write complexe book and full, speaking about characters, world building or action, and this is one of them.

The world that is created for me was original and even that I didn't see it completely now, I'm sure that the author is preparing us many surprises and we will visit more places. Perry and Aria - I liked them both and even if through the whole book, or kind if, I told myself that Aria it bothers me, because she was whinning a lot and she was seeing Peregrine as a Savage (because he didn't lived a life like hers), even if he was smarter than her and he knew a lot of things, and saved her a lot of times, near the end I started to like her a little bit more.

Perry and Aria change gradualy through the book and it was beautiful to see how they change because of the other or because of the things that happen. But as a favorite character I choose Peregrine, as Savage as he is, how Aria names him, because he's realistic, he know how to survive and for his gift... that is so cool. 

I don't know more what to say without giving spoilers, so I'm ending here. I recommend you this book/trilogy, if you like dystopia, or books full of suspense and adventure, it has love too, but not so much, so many types of readers can read it, and is kind of an original idea too. And the writing style, even if is simplistic and without metaphores or glittering stuff, manages to convince you. And now I'm waiting for the next too.


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