duminică, 30 martie 2014

REVIEW/RECENZIE - Glow (Sky Chasers #1) by Amy Kathleen Ryan


If a violent battle destroyed the only world you’ve ever known, would you be brave enough to save who was left? Would love be strong enough to survive the fight? Either way, there’s no turning back…

The Empyrean is the only home 15-year-old Waverly has ever known. As members of the first generation to be successfully conceived in deep space, she and her boyfriend Kieran will be pioneers of New Earth. Waverly knows she must marry young in order to have children who can carry on the mission, and Kieran, the handsome captain-to-be, has everything Waverly could want in a husband. But there’s a part of Waverly that wants more from life than marriage… and she is secretly intrigued by the shy, darkly brilliant Seth.

Suddenly, Waverly’s dreams are interrupted by the inconceivable – a violent betrayal by the Empyrean's sister ship, the New Horizon. In one pivotal moment, Waverly and Kieran are separated, and find themselves at the helm of dangerous missions, where every move has potentially devastating consequences, and decisions of the heart may lead to disaster.

Pulse-pounding and addictive, Glow is the first novel in Amy Kathleen Ryan's riveting Sky Chasers series.


Really, I don't know how to start, but let's go from the beginning. I heard a lot of things about this book/series, and I knew that is good and interesting and full of suspense, and everything. And yesterday I said to myself "well, let's try a few chapters!". Do you think I read just a few chapters? Well, not really, because I was kind of "hypnothized", I think. When I "woke up" I was in the middle of the book.

How that happened? I don't know, and what I'm trying to say is that this book is good, so good, I could say amazing. Because is well written, it has good shaped characters, a solid plot, many twists and turns that left me with my mouth open, many times, and sometimes I wanted to punch very hard some people; because they were so... so f. stupid and evil, and omg... if I could've done something to them.

I won't talk about the action part, because you know that I don't like to spoil you, and this book doesn't deserve this. You need to read this book without knowing too much, you will enjoy the story better if you find out things along with the two characters, Waverly and Kieran, and I'm sure you'll like it. In my opinion this book was different in a good way, it has so many action and stuff happened, even if is the first installment, and I can't imagine what will happen in the next two. This story is very complexe, very engaging and a little sad. I mean, it doesn't make you cry, but hard things happen to the characters and you can't stay there feeling nothing. 

But need, you have to, YOU HAVE TO read this book! Because it's so good and I don't want you to pass it up. I want you to enjoy it and love it, and want to go in the story and help them, and punch others.

Let's talk a little bit about our two main characters: Waverly and Kieran. Well, I like them both, because both are strong and have ambition, and they want to help the others and solve the situation. Even it's like a huge spiders with many legs and the bad guys are so evil and retard, and they could die in every second. Now I'm thinking how hard if for them, if you'll read the book then you'll know what I mean, to deal with this whole thing. Because they are in a moment when everything "dissapears" and they are alone, and vulnerable.... and they have to fight if they want to survive.

So, dear readers, read this book, now, tomorrow or when you want, but please read it because is so good and now I don't know want else so say because I've spoken enough and the few words that are running through my head are "tell them to read it! tell them that is amazing and they would love it! tell them that the story is so real and raw and everthing feels... so hard! tell them!" So I'm telling you, read it!



Sincer, nu prea stiu cum sa incep, dar sa o luam de la inceput. Am auzit multe lucruri despre aceasta carte/serie, si stiam ca este buna si interesanta, si plina de suspans, si de toate. Si ieri mi-am zis "haide sa citesc cateva capitole!". Credeti c-am citit doar cateva capitole? Pai, nu chiar, pentru ca am fost intr-un fel "hipnotizata", cred. Cand m-am "trezit" eram pe la jumatatea cartii.

Cum s-a intamplat asta? Nu stiu, dar ce incerc eu sa zic e ca aceasta carte e buna, foarte buna, as zice chiar geniala.  Pentru ca e bine scrisa, are caractere bine construite, un plot solid, multe intorsaturi de situatie, care m-au lasat cu gura cascata, si uneori imi venea sa pocnesc rau de tot cativa oameni d-acolo; pentru ca erau atat de ... atat de stupizi si rau, si Doamne... daca as fi putut sa le fac ceva.

Nu o sa va povestesc ce se intampla, pentru ca stiti ca nu-mi place sa dau spoilere, si aceasta carte chiar nu merita. Trebuie sa cititi cartea fara sa stiti prea multe, pentru ca asa veti savura povestea mai mult si veti afla totul alaturi de personaje; si sunt sigura ca o sa va placa. Dupa parerea mea aceasta carte a fost diferita, in sensul bun, pentru ca are foarte multa actiune si suspans, chiar daca e primul volum, si nu-mi pot imagina deloc ce se va mai intampla in celelalte. Aceasta poveste e foarte complexa, te tine in priza si e si putina trista. Dar nu ma refer la faptul ca o sa plangeti, ci ca se intampla lucruri personajelor si nu poti sa ramai indiferent.

Dar trebuie, trebuie, TREBUIE sa o cititi! Pentru ca e o carte foarte buna si n-as vrea sa treceti asa pe langa ea. Vreau sa o cititi si sa va placa, si imi doresc sa "mergeti" in poveste si sa-i ajutati pe Waverly si Kieran, si sa-i pocniti pe baietii rai.

Sa vorbim putin despre cele doua personaje principale: Waverly si Kieran. Mie-mi plac amandoi, pentru ca ambii sunt puternici si ambitiosi, si vor sa-i ajute pe ceilalti, si sa rezolve situatia. Chiar daca situatia seamana cu un paianjen urias cu multe picioare, si tipii rau sunt asa tampiti si rai, si Waverly si Kieran pot muri oricand. Acum ma gandesc cat de greu e pentru ei, pentru ca daca cititi cartea veti stii la ce ma refer, sa faca fata la toate alea. Pentru ca ei sunt intr-un moment unde cam tot ce stiau se schimba si sunt singuri, si vulnerabili... si trebuie sa lupte ca sa supravietuiasca.

Asa ca, dragi cititori, cititi aceasta carte, acum, maine sau cand vreti, dar va rog, s-o cititi pentru ca e foarte interesanta si nu stiu ce sa mai zic, pentru ca v-am zis destule si singurele cuvinte ce-mi mai umbla prin cap sunt "spune-le s-o citeasca! spune-le ca e geniala si ca o vor iubi! spune-le ca povestea e asa de reala si puternica, si chiar se simte... foarte mult! spune-le!" Asa ca am sa va zic, cititi-o!


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